Will Universal Studios Orlando Be Closing its Doors? Unveiling the Truth Behind the Rumors

Is Universal Studios Orlando Closing?

Is Universal Studios Orlando Closing?

Important Update for UK Readers

There have been rumors circulating about the closure of the iconic theme park, Universal Studios Orlando. As one of the most popular tourist destinations in Florida, this news has caused concern and confusion among fans and visitors. In this article, we will delve into the details and provide you with the latest updates on the situation.

Universal Studios Orlando: A Brief Overview

Universal Studios Orlando was opened in 1990 and has since become one of the top theme parks in the world. It is part of the larger Universal Orlando Resort, which also includes Islands of Adventure and Volcano Bay water park. The park is known for its thrilling rides, live shows, and movie-themed attractions.

The Rumors about Closure

The speculation about Universal Studios Orlando closing started when Universal’s parent company, Comcast, announced plans to restructure their entertainment division. This restructuring included the creation of a new streaming service, which caused concern among fans that the company may be shifting its focus away from the theme park.

In addition, with the ongoing pandemic and the financial strains it has caused for the entertainment industry, there were concerns that Universal Studios Orlando might not be able to sustain itself and would have to shut down.

The Truth: Is Universal Studios Orlando Closing?

The short answer is no. Despite the rumors, Universal Studios Orlando is not closing down. In fact, Universal has recently announced several new projects and expansions for the park, including a new Jurassic World rollercoaster and a brand new theme park, Epic Universe, set to open in the near future.

Universal has also clarified that the reorganization within the company will not have any impact on their theme parks, and they remain committed to providing the best experience for their guests.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When will Epic Universe open?

Epic Universe was initially set to open in 2023, but due to the pandemic, the opening date has been postponed. No official announcement has been made regarding the new opening date.

2. Is it safe to visit Universal Studios Orlando during the pandemic?

Universal Studios Orlando has implemented several safety measures to ensure the well-being of their guests, including mandatory masks, temperature checks, and social distancing guidelines. However, it is always advisable to check with the park’s official website for the latest updates before planning a trip.

3. Is Universal Hollywood closing as well?

No, Universal Studios Hollywood in California is not closing. In fact, the park will soon be reopening with limited capacity and enhanced safety measures in place.

4. What are some popular attractions at Universal Studios Orlando?

Some of the top-rated attractions at Universal Studios Orlando include The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, The Incredible Hulk Coaster, and Revenge of the Mummy ride.


In conclusion (alright fine, we won’t use that word!), we can say with confidence that Universal Studios Orlando is not closing. The park continues to thrive and entertain millions of visitors every year, and with the exciting new additions in the works, the future looks bright for this beloved theme park.

About the Author

John Smith is a travel and entertainment enthusiast, dedicated to providing valuable information to readers across the UK. He has been to Universal Studios Orlando multiple times and can’t wait to go back again.


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