Can RN go straight to MSN?

Have you been working as a registered nurse and are now considering getting your Master of Science in Nursing degree? You may be wondering if you can go straight to an MSN program or if you first need to complete a bachelor’s degree.

The answer to this question is actually quite simple. In order to be accepted into an MSN program, you must first have a bachelor’s degree in nursing. Some programs may also require that you have a few years of experience working as an RN before applying. So, while it is possible to go straight from being an RN to getting your MSN, it is not advisable. Instead, you should consider going back to school and completing your bachelor’s degree first.

Why You Should Get Your BSN First
There are several reasons why you should consider getting your BSN before moving on to getting your MSN. For one thing, having a BSN will make you a more competitive candidate for jobs. In today’s job market, there are many qualified candidates vying for the same positions. Having a BSN on your resume will set you apart from the competition and make you more attractive to potential employers.

In addition, having a BSN will give you the opportunity to further develop your skills as a nurse. During your four years of undergraduate study, you will take courses that will teach you how to think critically and solve problems. You will also learn about nursing theory and research methods. All of these things will give you a better foundation on which to build your career as a nurse.

Finally, getting your BSN first will allow you to specialize in a particular area of nursing. If you know that you want to eventually work as a nurse practitioner or anesthetist, for example, completing your BSN first will give you the opportunity to take courses that will prepare you for those roles. Once you have your BSN, then you can apply to MSN programs that offer concentrations in those areas.

If you are considering going back to school to get your MSN, it is important to remember that you must first obtain your BSN. While it is possible to go straight from being an RN to getting your MSN, it is not advisable. There are several reasons why completing your BSN first is the best course of action. Firstly, having a BSN will make you more attractive to potential employers. Secondly, getting your BSN first will allow you to develop the skills that are necessary for success as a nurse. And finally, if you know that you want to specialize in a particular area of nursing, completing your BSN first will give prepare you for advanced coursework in that area.


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